the acoustic diaries

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Tigers Not Daughters

Went to see Controller.Controller play at Richard's last night.

Local favourites You Say Party! We Say Die! opened the evening. The Abbotsford quintet played an energetic 35min set that included some new songs added to the mix. They are currently finishing up their Canadian tour with Controller.Controller, then embarking on some US westcoast dates before hitting up SXSW. Their performance for the evening was full of energy as usual, and sounded the tightest of all the times I've seen them so far.

Controller.Controller took the stage to a packed Richard's and busted out their dance-rock numbers. It sounded like they had quite a long drive from their Calgary show the night before, as one of their guitarists didn't get to to the venue until an hour prior to hitting the stage. Some highlights during their 1hr performance included PF, Poison/Safe, and Silent Seven. During the encore, Becky and Krista from You Say Pary! came on stage to join them and rock out on the last song. Both bands were fun and fit the bill perfectly together.


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