the acoustic diaries

Monday, January 22, 2007

I will burn all this...

Went to see Marianas Trench last night at the Plaza Club. It was an all-ages show at the venue...which always makes things interesting. Props to those offering live music to the all-ages crowd in the city as it's become a very limited scene...especially with the closures of the Vogue and Mesa Luna...amongst other recent and upcoming venue closures. I might be helping to put on some more all-ages shows in the we'll see how that works out.

It was kinda weird though walking around the Plaza and seeing 13yr olds at the venue for the show. The Trench do seem to have a pretty young fanbase.

Two things you'll repeatedly hear at all-ages shows:
1)Oh my god! I love this song!
2)Oh my god! This is the best concert ever!

...funny stuff.

Marianas Trench had a great showing with their powerful harmonies once we scored some sweet Moderne Burger action before the gig.




  • you forgot the "oh my god, this song's my favorite", only to be followed by the next "very" favorite.

    By Blogger Deb, at Sun Jan 28, 05:10:00 PM  

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