the acoustic diaries

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Cash Cow

We Are Scientists and Art Brut played a double-headlining show at the Commodore on Friday.

The avant-garde rockers Art Brut came on and played a high energy set. Their music didn't do much for me but they sure were entertaining. During the set, singer Eddie Argos went into the crowd and walked all the way to the bar on the other side of the floor. When he came back onstage, Eddie mentioned that some people near the bar probably weren't paying attention to the show because they thought he was just a crazy person going up to them. For the end of their set, they played up the crowd well with a rocking finish.

The We Are Scientists music and comedy show started immediately as soon as the guys hit the stage. Chris picked up his bass and it didn't Keith did what he does best...he started to heckle his bandmate to get things going already. He told Chris to hurry up and that "'re wearing goggles and a white v-neck're ready for some scenester action". The insults and witty banter continued back and forth throughout the whole set between the two as they tried to outdo one another.

The New York trio started the set with Lousy Reputation and played most of their debut album along with a few new tunes. I noticed that they slowed down the pacing of some of their songs a bit.

During the set, Chris went into the crowd along with his cordless bass to play. Keith meanwhile turned his attention to insulting someone in the crowd from Toronto. He then moved onto insulting the Art Brut guys who were standing side stage.

The members of The Spinto Band showed up for some pranks.

For the last song, The Great Escape, the members of Art Brut decided to seek their revenge and came onstage to wrestle down the We Are Scientists guys.

Keith attempted to give Eddie from Art Brut a Boston Crab / Lion Tamer / Walls Of Jericho.

The craziness continues...

As usual, there was a guy in the crowd that was completely hammered and so adamant about making it to the front of the stage. Once he finally got there near the end of the show, he didn't know what to do he jumped onstage. Security was about to take him away so the guy decided to stage dive back into the front row. Seeing the drunk idiot come flying towards me, I did the best thing possible....I stepped aside....and he proceeded to hit the cold Commodore floor... OUCH!...that's gotta sting. Everyone had a good laugh...except maybe him.

Some other highlights from the 1hr set included Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt, It's A Hit, Inaction, and This Scene Is Dead.


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